Tag Archives: zend framework

Zend_Db Oracle Functions/Procedures

For some reason, this was a nightmare to figure out. All I wanted to do was call an oracle function from the Zend Framework using PDO_OCI as my database adapter. After a FULL DAY of research and testing, I finally found some code that works! The Database Adapter I use a configuration file for my […]

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Zend_Auth, Zend_Ldap and Zend_Acl

This took a while to figure out, so I’m going to write an entry on it. Over the last few days, I’ve been working with the Zend_Auth, Zend_Ldap and Zend_Acl classes in the Zend Framework while developing a login framework. I’ve created custom login frameworks before, using php, coldfusion and java. But this time I […]

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Zend_Auth and Active Directory

I just worked on a login application that connects to Active Directory using Zend_Auth and Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap. The application uses the Zend Framework and components of Zend_Form. Server Settings First of all, the web server has to have the ability to connect with LDAP. To do this, it has to be enabled in the php.ini file. […]

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